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Ventured - Mini Game

About The Project

In Ventured, the player plays as a Fey whose home has been taken over by invaders and must slay all foes in their way. This Hack and Slash mini-game was created as part of the Unreal Engine Technical Artist certification at Vertex School.


June 2023


Game developer and artist



In Ventured, the player is a Fey whose home has been taken over by invaders and must slay all foes in their way. This Hack and Slash mini-game was created as part of the Unreal Engine Technical Artist certification at Vertex School.


Landscape creation in Gaea

After crafting a geographic plane asset in Gaia, I utilized existing assets from Megascans and Paragon to populate the game.


Enemies have sight, tracking, and attacks. Each have their own idling, walking, attacking, and dying animations, vfx, and combos.
Slaying enemies

Ventured features autonomous enemy detection and attacks, protagonist controls and attacks, power ups, health bars, vfx, re-spawns, and custom animations created in UE.

Main Character

Main character has target locking and attacks. They have their own idling, flying, attacking, and dying animations, vfx, and combos.

Created in Unreal Engine

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